Review of Cybermutt

Cybermutt (2003 TV Movie)
Forgettable slo-mo hijinks
11 September 2004
Catching Cybermutt on TV in a drunken haze turned out to be quite rewarding, as it's one of the most unintentionally hilarious films we've ever seen. With a dog seemingly trapped in overused slow-motion effects, every cliché in the book (dog hero, conveyor belt slowly sending a boy to the blades and of course, the hot mum) and acting so bad there are no known adjectives to describe. They blow the budget on cheap effects so the viewer can really sympathies with the lovable computerised canine.

Contrary to everything we've been saying, we loved it. Rummage around in the bargain bin in every store in every town, somewhere. You'll find it and maybe you'll start seeing things through Cybermutt's cheap, sub-Terminator eyes.

Dan and Mike.
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