The Osbournes (2002–2005)
A Car Wreck
3 July 2002
I have to admit I watch this show if I come across it. I just can't look away. I don't make a point of watching it sometimes it just happens. I think Kelly is adorable, intelligent, and is a better role model for teen girls compared to the some of the slutty drones that promote Pepsi and Coke these days. I think it's great that she isn't some waif that looks like a strong breeze is going to blow her over. I hope she stays just how she is. I think comments about her being fat and needing to call Jenny Craig are childish, ignorant and obviously from someone who has their head secured up Hollywood's bunghole. Not every person on TV and the movies has to look like Ally McBeal. TV still hasn't realized the people want to watch people like themselves. This is why this show is so popular this is why Roseanne was popular. We are all flawed and accepting those flaws in the people we watch on TV helps us to accept them in one another. So kudos to The Osbournes may they reign supreme.
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