The Tunnel (2001)
Is there meaning, or is the meaning a distinct lack of meaning?
19 July 2003
Some guy was ranting on a message board about this film months ago, and I was recently able to acquire a video from a friend of a friend who really loves Troma but hates this film.

I have to say that "The Tunnel" struck me. While the production quality is relatively low, and some of the handling of the cast seems haphazard, uneven, or sloppy (Kaufman), the film does have a certain dark, freakshow style that I happened to find fascinating. The direction, at times seems a little awkward, with a lack of attention to pacing. Even in the 15-minute version, it didn't pick up enough speed into climax, and rather droned its way into a thud.

Unlike previous posters, however, I did find the story just interesting and unique enough to keep me thinking, and I felt that this film suffered perhaps more from ambition than pretention. It seems to be reminiscent of French absurdism, and not just in Kaufman's rather pathetic Blacque Jacque Shellacque impersonation, but in the ideas expressed in the film.

Paul, the main character, is struggling with his mortality, in ways which are not so clearly explained(an asset?). Is the point of "The Tunnel" that there is no light, or that there is no tunnel? Existentialist or Nihilist?

And on a final note, I was rather impressed with the work of Casey Wickson in the film as the lead character. I don't know that I would've made it through this film if not for his performance, which seemed genuine, and a familiar face for someone who apparently hasn't done much else. When Paul speaks, there is pain in his voice, and my gf said she would've cried if he had more than three sentences to speak. If acting is in the eyes, then this guy might have it, although he did seem young for the part.

The story here seems solid, perhaps even excellent, but the direction (or lack thereof) slows it, and, at times, takes you away from it. If you're looking for a "little too weird for its own good think-piece", then you might want to check it out. I give it a 7.5/10, mostly on its apparent intentions and a singular performance.
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