Review of The Order

The Order (2003)
I should have heeded the wise minds of the IMDB message board
5 September 2003
Prior to going to the movie, I read IMDB users comments stating how stupid the movie was. I am a big fan of the religious/mystery genre, and chose to ignore the comments. The result was an enormous disappointment. Of the hundreds of movies I have been to, this was the first where I actually considered walking out. I wish I would have.

This is one of the few movies I have seen where I had no feelings towards any of the characters. The whole premise of the movie is pointless. I kept wondering when the movie was going to get interesting. Well, unfortunately it never does. The movie IS NOT SCARY!! Not only is it not scary, it is not mysterious or suspenseful either. The only thing it is is garbage. Many of the scenes and characters in the movie seem unnecessary, and are actually unintentionally laughable. Characters try to be funny at times, which was painful to watch. The statement by Thomas "Women, can't live with them, can't live with them." How original! I never heard a single laugh from the audience, and for good reason. I do not demand good special effects with movies, but the effects in this movie were mediocre at best. I will say one word: Octopus. The movie is without suspense. I would say the movie is predictable, but there really is nothing to predict.

I gave the movie a 2, simply because I refuse to give 1s. I recommend you avoid the movie at all costs. This was truly a waste of Helgeland's talent.
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