Childbirth is easier to endure than this movie.
11 October 2003
In reading the jacket of this movie at my local Blockbuster, I was under the impression that this was the "indie" version of the rebel-boy-meets-innocent-girl-love-ensues-problems-happen genre of film. So many are so sugar coated these days, I thought this one would be different.

Yeah, different in a very bad way!

The flow of this movie is as choppy as Paul's speech patterns. The movie bounces all over the place. It reminded me of when I was first learning to drive a stick shift. FORWARD-->JERK! FORWARD-->JERK! And the notion that Paul is the casanova/scrog-dog of the town is just laughable. How could he possibly sweet-talk all of those girls into having sex if he can't put more than 3 words together at a time? Wouldn't he get stuck at "Hey, how about..."? I don't care how small of a town one one may live in, "Local Idiot" and "Local Womanizer" are not titles bestowed onto just one man.

I thought the "making of" bonus feature on the DVD would give some insight. But alas, the director talks just like his characters and no real clarity is given.

I don't have a problem with movie characters talking in "real life" language, but when they all come off as mildly retarded, it made me wonder if the local mill is dumping something into the water.
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