Review of The Core

The Core (2003)
If you fall asleep you'll miss, well, er, nothing!
30 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS**Okay sci-fi/disaster matinee fodder. So many plotholes that no one could drive over it without destroying his or her shock absorbers. **Possible SPOILER: the first death of the crew is a sudden surprise and a smarter bit in an otherwise uber-smart-not flick. Swank is wasted and unconvincing. Eckhart is a hottie. But for the majority of the story: it's turgid. I found myself seeking anything to entertain me, like the wordplay of Destiny-Density.

Nice bit in London that does a good take on "The Birds" and manages to make pigeons kind of terrifying! Kudos to the filmmakers, but this aint no "Superman." Which is a film that took months and months to film all kinds of sequences (the helicopter falling scene alone took FOREVER to film!).

FOREVER is how I describe the wait for intelligent turns. One does root for the crew, and the gawky computer hacker might bring a tear to your eye.
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