A horrible, low-budget extended music video with everything gone wrong
10 May 2003
I enjoy Steven Seagal films, and I even expected some good stuff from Ja Rule, but this was absoltely TERRIBLE. Forget the rest, this film is so fake and unbelievable that it becomes a fairy tale. An old man in the prison is soon to be executed, and he happens to know where a $300 million stash of gold is hiding. So Morris Chestnut and his heavily-armed gang of future-thugs break into this futuristic prison (breaking into a prison???) and start shooting with every machine gun and grenade launcher ever made. The prisoners somehow manage to break out of their cells and get a hold of the weapons, so prisoners Seagal, Ja Rule, and rapper Kurupt join in this PS2 game gun-battle. The entire film takes place in the prison, and there is so much shooting and sparks (with nobody even being hit by bullets) that it is basically a confusing music video with no drama and if you have even slight motion-sickness than you will probably get sick watching this. So a blazing gunbattle goes on for most of the film, without you knowing even who is shooting at who, for most of the prison guards got killed earlier. But in the end, the gang finds the old man who knows about the gold stash, kidnaps him and escapes in a helicopter. They are flying over a lake back to the mainland when suddenly the old man opens his jacket and what happens to be there? A bomb strapped to his chest, and he blows the helicopter up and kills all the members of the cyber-gang, similar to the Arab suicide bombers killing children in this manner over in Israel. That is it, the only entertaining scene in the film, but you wonder: the old man was kidnapped from the electric chair on death row, taken from the prison, and suddenly he happens to have a bomb under his jacket? Obsurd. STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS HORRIBLE FILM AND YOU WILL THANK ME. Feel free to email me if you have an questions or comments.
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