The continuing adventures of Jennifer the vampire.
7 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
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This movie picks up right where Embrace the Darkness left off. Jennifer is now a vampire. She's also played by a different actress (Renee Rea). I liked the original Jennifer better but Renee is plenty attractive as well.

The rest of the movie plays out very much like the first one did. Jennifer meets two other vampires. The girl vampire (Catalina Larranaga) is bad, but the guy vampire is good. Most of the movie follows the same formula. Vampire gets hungry. Vampire finds a mortal who looks tasty. Vampire has sex with mortal. Vampire feeds on mortal. These vampires are all wussies though. They only kill a couple of people in the entire movie. Obviously, the story wasn't too memorable, but it held my interest enough to keep my finger off the fast forward button. There's also some pretty cool special effects used throughout.

There are nine sex scenes. Six are boy/girl. One is girl solo. One is girl/girl. One is guy/girl/girl. For the most part, the sex scenes were good and decently explicit. They all play out to completion and the actors and actresses are always audible over the background music.

The women are all attractive and deliver good performances. There are five of them that participate in the sex scenes.

There was definitely room for improvement. Katie Lohmann's masturbation scene could have been done better and Catalina Larranaga should have removed her clothes for the lesbian scene.

It's no better or worse than the first movie. If you liked that one, you'll probably be happy with this one.
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