Great game, when's the movie out?
31 March 2004
Soldier of Fortune 2 is one of the best games I've played. A storyline you can actually follow, good graphics, and even (relatively) realistic graphics and effects. The physics system, while not the best in the world, is quite realistic, as are the baddie's reactions when you hit them (well, kinda; sometimes, they don't react at all, which is somewhat annoying, but you get used to it) It's theme of one man against half the Soviet army in the late 80's, a Colombian rebel group, a drug lord/arms dealer from the same country, and a good-sized terrorist group, (wait'll you find out who runs it) all of it centering around a genetically engineered uber-virus, is both intriguing and thought-provoking. (Could this actually happen? Would anyone know about it?) While many people bash the game, and others of its genre, (first-person shooters) due to it's realistic portrayal of violence (for instance, shooting a guy in the head with a shotgun stands a good chance of removing the head entirely), few laud its well-thought-out storyline (for which we can thank the real John F. Mullins, who was a consultant to the developers). I'd like to see this game converted into a movie, but one that actually FOLLOWS THE PLOT OF THE GAME (subtle hint, movie makers!), instead of making up a whole new plot just for the movie.
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