GR8SHAG Baby, Yeah!
7 March 2003
It's disgusting, gross, puerile, fatuous, boorish, obscene, flatulent, egregious, stupid, bigoted, and ineffably silly, among other things. And it's funny. It's really funny. I mean, tickled my funny bone. I may not have the same effect on you, but I suggest you give it a try. Really. In my case, I rented it with a strong feeling of skepticism, not quite sure if I wanted to risk four bucks on it, thinking it was likely to be another gimpy sequel, nothing more than an awkward and contrived impersonation of the original, as is so often the case. But, to my surprise, it wasn't. Sure, it had an ample number of references to shagging, but they are a bit more subtle; for example, the somewhat inconspicuous Cooper Mini license plate that reads `GR8 SHAG,' a worthy caricature of all those dumb-ass `I'm so sexy' James Bond movies, was my favorite.

In fact, I think Goldmember is the best Austin Powers yet. The reason: all the characters have evolved. I know: that sounds pretty silly, maybe even stupid. OK, I'll grant you that. It may be the dumbest thing I've ever said, which would have to be insanely stupid considering all the boners I've committed. (Yes, stupid pun intended.) But before you make up your mind, consider the following. In Goldmember, Dr. Evil isn't quite so evil. He's much more complex, especially in his relationship to Scott, a prodigal son proudly returned to the true path of evil. Herein we see his inner core of love and affection. Dr. Evil's response to Scott's inner transformation is an ambivalent mixture of pride, and fatherly concern. It's so touching. Better yet, Austin Powers is much less `shagadelic' than before. Of course, he still has excellent mojo. His mojo is so mighty, in fact, that even destroys Britney Spears with its overwhelming, irresistible power. And who could fail to appreciate that? But in Goldmember, he's almost nothing more than an appendage to Foxy Cleopatra. (Yes, stupid pun intended.) And, if you like bathroom humor, you're in for a treat: Fat Bastard's never been better. He's an utterly repulsive mixture of crude humor and vile appearance. National Lampoon can't compete with this.
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