The Facts of Life Reunion (2001 TV Movie)
no Jo. enough said
28 July 2004
If they couldn't get Nancy McKeon, they shouldn't have done this movie. For most of the series, she WAS the show. I don't care if she showed up for a brief scene at the end, one that could have been filmed in an hour. It would have been better than nothing.

But no, getting another actress was not an option. Anyone who thinks it would have been good apparently doesn't watch TV, or at least not shows/movies in which that is done. EVERY one of them is routinely and thoroughly panned when they do it. Not to mention, the actresses mentions by one commenter would split their sides laughing so hard at the notion the that they would be asked to stoop to playing Jo in a Fact of Life TV reunion movie. "Hey, Ms. Bullock, I know you make $10+ million a movie. But would you like to take a hundred thousand of so bucks to be on the Facts of Life Reunion?" "Sure. I'll just put my major motion picture career on hold for a few months!" "Hey, Angelina, don't bother with those sequels to Tomb Raider and the ensuing $20 million dollars you will make. Do this TV movie instead!" While we are at it, let's suggest that they should have asked George Clooney to take a break from filming Ocean's Eleven in order to reprise his role.

The other bad thing about this movie was, did Beverly not exist? Cloris Leachman is still around. Why not get her. (And, unlike Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock, she would be more than happy to appear.) What, the girls don't love her anymore?
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