Excellent rental material!!
2 June 2003
Does your mind need a break from the harshness of reality and all that painful "thinking" you have to do every day? Then rent this epic, hit your mental "pause" button, sit back and ignore all the laws of physics you learned in school, and the stunts will seem waaay kewl..(almost rhymes, eh?) I do agree with many of the other commenters here, this is a so-bad-it's-kinda-good film. But I don't really get all the comparisons between this and "Matrix Reloaded". To me, they are not even really the same genre. But everyone has their own ideas about that... One other point I'd like to make is that it doesn't seem quite fair to judge whether or not Statham has acting ability based on this film. Apart from the stunts, the script doesn't call for him to do much more than occasionally glare menacingly at the camera and look great with his shirt off. Heck, a lot of us ordinary guys out here could do that (okay, we might have to spend a little more time at the gym first). So maybe I'll wait until Jason plays "Hamlet" to decide if he can really act (I know he's worried now......)
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