Review of Invasion

Invasion (2001 TV Special)
Bad PPV (Recap)
30 June 2002
Match 1: Edge & Christian vs. Mike Awesome & Lance Storm Storm gets on the mic and is interupted by E & C's entrance. Match starts off with Awesome backing Christian in the corner. Christian with a drop toe hold on Awesome. Awesome clotheslines Edge. Edge with a headscissors takeover on Storm. Edge with a missile dropkick on Storm. Edge dumps Storm out of the ring on Awesome. Christian jumps off of Edge's back out to the floor on awesome and Storm. Christian with a crossbody on Storm. Awesome drops Christian across the ropes. Storm with a backbreaker on Christian. Awesome hits Christion with a top rope frogsplash, Edge breaks the count. Christian counters a top rope Awesome bomb with a back body drop. Hot tags to Edge who cleans house. Storm rolls up Edge, Christian rolls Edge over, for a two count. Christian with a double clothesline off the top rope on Awesome and Storm. Storm superkicks Edge. Christian sends Storm over the top. Christian intercepts a running awesome bomb on Edge by hitting Awesome with a spear. Edge gets the easy pin. Winners: Edge & Christian

Match 2: Earl Hebner w/ WWF Referees vs Nick Patrick w/ WCW Referees Special Referee - Mick Foley Both men trade slaps. Earl kicks Nick down in the corner. Earl pulls Patrick off the ropes for a two count. Nick tosses earl out of the ring. Foley seperates the WWF and WCW referees. Back in the ring earl backs Nick into the corner for ten shots to the head. Nick low blows earl. Nick with a baseball slide dropkick on Earl. Foley has to seperate the referees again. Foley sends the WCW referees to the back for attacking Hebner. Back in the ring Earl knocks Nick down (botched spear) for the pin. After the match Nick argues with Foley. Foley attacks Nick and gives him Mr. Socko. Winner: Earl Hebner

Match 3: APA vs. Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Match starts off with all four men brawling. Bradshaw with a suplex on Palumbo. O'Haire hits Bradshaw with the stiff arm. Bradshaw with a belly to back suplex on O'Haire. O'Haire with a knee lift on Faarooq for a two count. Bradshaw with a fall away slam on Palumbo. O'Haire kicks Bradshaw in the head. Bradshaw with a ddt on Palumbo. O'Haire clotheslines Faarooq. O'Haire sends Faarooq into the ring steps. Faarooq with a spinebuster on O'Haire. Bradshaw with a big boot to Palumbo. Bradshaw powerslams Palumbo for a two count. O'Haire superkicks Bradshaw. Palumbo dropkicks Bradshaw off of O'Haire's shoulders into the corner. Faarooq tosses O'Haire out of the ring. Bradshaw with the clothesline from hell on Palumbo for the pin. Winners: APA

Match 4: X-Pac vs. Kidman Xpac takes Kidman down and smacks him around. Kidman with a drop toe hold. Kidman with a headscissor takeover. Kidman knocks Xpac out of the ring with a enzeguri. Xpac tosses Kidman out of the ring. Xpac flies out of the ring on Kidman. Both men trade sleeper holds. Xpac with a belly to back suplex. Xpac misses a top rope summersault. Kidman with a short powerbomb for a two count. Xpac rolls kidman and up uses the ropes for a two count. Kidman counters a powerbomb with the x-factor. Xpac counters a spear with the x-factor for a two count. Xpac goes for the bronc buster and gets the foot between the legs. Kidman goes up top and hits the shooting star press for the pin. Winner: Billy Kidman

Match 5: Raven vs. William Regal Regal punches Raven down in the corner. Regal with a double underhook suplex. Raven escapes the regal stretch. Regal with european uppercuts for a two count. Regal catapults Raven into the ropes. Raven tosses Regal out of the ring. Raven hits a baseball slide dropkick. Raven with a reverse russian leg sweep into the security wall. Back in the ring Raven hits a clothesline for a two count. Suplex by Regal for a two count. Rollup by Raven for a two count. Bulldog by Raven for a two count. Tazz runs to the ring and gives Regal a head and arm taz plex. Raven follows up with the Raven affect for the pin. Winner: Raven

Match 6: Shawn Stasiak, Chris Kanyon, and Hugh Morrus vs. Big Show, Albert, and Billy Gunn Match starts out with all the WCW guys getting press slams at the same time. Kanyon with a side russian leg sweep on Gunn. Gunn with a neckbreaker on Stasiak. Albert with a clothesline on Stasiak. Albert with a scissors kick on Stasiak. Albert gives the baldo bomb to Stasiak, Kanyon breaks the count. Morrus ddt's Albert. Albert powerslams Morrus. Gunn clotheslines Morrus. Gunn with the fameasser on Morrus. Stasiak sneaks in and gives Gunn a reverse ddt. Morrus gets the easy pin. After the match Show chokeslams Morrus and Stasiak. Show gives Kanyon the alley-oop. Winners: Shawn Stasiak, Chris Kanyon, and Hugh Morrus

Match 7: Tazz vs. Tajiri Match starts off with a enzeguri by Tajiri. Clothesline by Tazz. Tazz with a forearms to the face of Tajiri. Tazz kicks Tajiri down in the corner. Tazz with a back heel trip for a two count. Tajiri with a handspring into a back elbow. Tazz sends Tajiri into the ring steps. Tajiri locks on the tarantula. Tajiri dropkicks Tazz in the face for a two count. Tazz counters a side kick with a head and arm tazplex. Tajiri sprays the mist in Tazz's eyes followed up by a kick to the face for the pin. Winner: Tajiri

Match 8: Hardcore Championship (Excellent Match!) Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy Crowd goes into a big RVD chant. Jeff dropkicks RVD in the back while he was showboating. Jeff with a legdrop between RVD's legs for a two count. RVD connects with a standing moonsault for a two count. RVD woth a double underhook facebuster. RVD with the rolling thunder for a two count. Jeff pushes RVD off the top to the outside. Jeff follows up with a baseball slide dropkick. Jeff walks the security wall and RVD counters with the same thing knocking both men off. RVD with a moonsault off the barricade onto Jeff in the crowd for a two count. RVD with a corkscrew guiloteen legdrop off the ring apron for a two count. Jeff with a sunset flip off the ring apron. Jeff pulls out a ladder and sets it up outside the ring. Jeff climbs the top of the ladder. RVD tips the ladder over and Jeff falls off on the entrance ramp. Jeff hits RVD in the face with the ladder. Jeff hits RVD in the back with a chair. RVD knocks Jeff off the staging area with the van daminator. RVD tosses Jeff back onto the stage. RVD with a corkscrew legdrop on the stage for a two count. Back in the ring RVD punches Jeff in the face. RVD skateboards the chair into Jeff's face. RVD follows up with a top rope moonsault but Jeff gets the legs up. Jeff hits a ddt for a two count. Jeff with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Jeff with a jawbreaker. Jeff goes up top and misses the swanton bomb. RVD places the hardcore title onto Jeff's chest. RVD goes up top and hits the 5 star frog splash onto the hardcore title for the pin. Good match! Winner and New WWF Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam

Match 9: Bra and Panties Match Trish Stratus & Lita vs. Stacy Keibler & Torrie Wilson Fink announces Mick Foley as the special guest referee. Match starts off with double spears by Trish and Lita. Torrie dropkicks Trish in the back. Torrie slaps Trish in the face. Trish clotheslines Torrie. Trish suplexes Torrie. Trish double clotheslines Stacy and Torrie. Lita knocks Torrie off the ring apron. Lita pulls Stacy's shirt off. Lita chases Stacy around the ring. Torrie intercepts with a kick to the back of Lita. Stacy pulls Lita's shirt off. Lita misses a top rope crossbody on Stacy. Trish clotheslines Torrie. Torrie steps on Trish's hair and pulls on her arms. Trish takes off Torrie's pants. Lita does the poetry in motion on Torrie. Trish with a bulldog on Stacy. Lita with a top rope moonsault on Stacy. Lita pulls Stacy's pants off for the win. As Lita and Trish are leaving, Lita saves Trish from almost falling off the ramp because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. Winners: Trish Stratus & Lita

Match 10: Inaugural Brawl Team WWF (Austin, Angle, Kane, Taker, Y2J) vs. Team WCW/ECW (Booker, DDP, Dudleys, Rhyno) Before the match the everyone comes out in this order: Shane, Paul Heyman and Stephanie, Vince, Dudleyz, Undertaker and Kane, Rhyno, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Diamond Dallas Page. match starts with Undertaker and Kane attacking DDP. Austin comes out last and joins in the big brawl. Austin drops Booker across the security wall. Austin throws Rhyno in the ring and the bell rings to officially start the match. Austin kicks Rhyno down in the corner. Austin knocks DDP off the ring apron. Austin with the Lou Thez press on Rhyno. Austin with a superplex on Rhyno, Dvon breaks the count. Jericho with a flying forearm on Rhyno. Rhyno clotheslines Jericho. Booker kicks Jericho down in the corner. Jericho bulldogs Booker, Rhyno breaks the count. Jericho with a springboard dropkick on Rhyno. Angle punches Booker in the ropes. Booker with a spinning heel kick to Angle. Dvon with the rolling shoulder block on Angle. Angle clotheslines Dvon. Kane punches Dvon in the corner. Kane with a sidewalk slam on Dvon, DDO breaks the count. Kane with a belly to back suplex on Dvon. Dudleyz with a modified 3D on kane for a two count. Bubba with repeated elbow drop on Kane for a two count. Kane with a big boot to Bubba. Kane with a top rope lariat on Bubba, Dvon breaks the count. Bubba clotheslines UT for a two count. UT with a flying lariat on Bubba followed up by a leg drop for a two count. UT does the tight rope walk on Bubba. DDP hangs UT across the ropes. Bubba suplexes UT. Rhyno spears UT in the corner. DDP punches UT in the corner. DDP with a short arm clothesline on UT for a two count. DDP with a ddt on UT for a two count. Booker with a side kick on UT for a two count. UT with a jumping ddt on Booker, Rhyno breaks the count. Austin wrenches Booker's arm. Austin kicks Booker down in the corner. Austin knocks Booker out of the ring and over the security wall. Austin suplexes Booker back over the security wall. Jericho chops Booker in the corner. Jericho with a missed lionsault on Booker. Booker drops Jericho across the ropes. Dudleyz double team Jericho. Jericho with a spinning heel kick on Bubba. Angle tagged in and cleans house. Angle with overhead belly to belly suplexes on Bubba and Dvon. Angle knocks DDP off the ring apron. Bubba with a sit-down powerbomb on Angle. Dvon with a leg drop on Angle, UT breaks the count. Rhyno kicks Angle down in the corner. Rhyno with a belly to belly suplex on Angle, Austin breaks the count. Booker with the axe kick on Angle, UT breaks the count. DDP powerbombs Angle, Austin breaks the count. DDP clotheslines Angle for a two count. Dudleyz do the whassup headbutt on Angle. DDP with a sleeper slam on Angle. Hot tag to Austin but the referee does not allow it because he didn't see it. DDP with a diamond cutter on Angle. All hell breaks loose. Rhyno gores Booker by accident. UT clotheslines DDP followed up by a sidewalk slam. UT chokeslams DDP. Referee Charles Robinson tries to stop UT from doing the last ride. UT gives Robinson the last ride. DDP leaves through the crowd with UT following. Bubba hits Kane in the face with the top of the announce table. Dudleyz double team Kane. Medical officials check on Austin's knee. Kane chokeslams Dvon through the announce table. Bubba hits kane with the monitor. Rhyno and Bubba double suplex Kane through the spanish announce table. Jericho comes off the ring aprong with a shoulder block on Rhyno through a table. Bubba and Booker double team Angle in the corner. Angle gives the olympic slam to Angle and puts the ankle lock on Booker. Booker rolls over knocking Angle into the referee out of the ring. Booker with a face first flapjack on Angle. Shane hits Vince in the face with the WWF title. Angle throws Shane out. Angle puts the ankle lock on Booker but there is no referee. Austin runs in and gives the stunner to Angle. Austin puts Booker on top of Angle for the pin. Winners: Team WCW/ECW (Booker, DDP, Dudleys, Rhyno)

The only that save this PPV from getting an F is the RVD vs Jeff Hardy match. I just hate the idea of WCW and ECW invaiding WWF, it's just stupid. This PPV deserves a D
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