Working with more resources this time around, Bryan Singer again succeeds in bringing in logic and emotion to the foreground in a genre where so many have failed.
6 May 2003
Seen from the Mutants' perspective, the world is full enemies and easy to understand Magnito's resolution to rid of humans. We aren't given much compelling reasons to like humans, who seem full of fear and wants no part of the Mutants, the films underlying scores of racism and homophobia. This, is the reason for Magnito and Professor X to join forces and fight General Stryker who has built another Cerebro to annihilate the Mutants.

Working with more resources this time around, Bryan Singer again succeeds in bringing in logic and emotion to the foreground in a genre where so many have failed. Although the script appears contrived in places, "X:2" nevertheless is a good Hollywood entertainment.
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