Funny to the point of tears!
18 March 2003
******PLOT SPOLIERS!!!*******

Went to see this last night and although it was meant to be a serious death row drama it turned out to be the best comedy I have seen for ages.

During the last 10 minutes I had tears of laughter running down my face, I really wanted to have a great big belly laugh but for the other people in the cinema I decided against it.

It's quite bizarre really as a film with some good acting performances in particular from Kevin Spacey, Laura Linney and Rhona Mitra could be so bad. Kate Winslet hams it up as the ridiculously named Bitsey Bloom.

Any serious point that the film was trying to make is simply washed away in an utterly stupid plot twist.

I would like to know when our Kate is clearly speeding into town at maybe 60 or 70 mph to stop the execution and her cars engine begins to bellow smoke, she decides to put her foot on the brakes stopping the car with a skid and proceeds to run into the town centre when in fact she could have just free wheeled the damn car at a pace far faster than Ms Winslet could ever run.

Maybe I am just being picky, but this is a dreadfully awful film which should be avoided at all costs unless you fancy a right good giggle fit!
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