Review of Taken

Taken (2002)
Took, not Taken
10 August 2003
What started off with great promise quickly deteriorated into an utterly banal mess which not even its top-notch production values or the sincere performances of Ryan Hurst, Catherine Dent, and the truly remarkable Dakota Fanning can salvage

While the leering, smarmy, ill-considered presence of Matt Frewer is the most obvious example, the best gauge to see how badly things devolved is the antagonists, which were the dramatic engine for this program, over the course of this miniseries – from the steely incompetence of Major Owen Crawford played by Joel Gretsch to the banal, bumbling amorality of his grand-daughter played by Heather Donahue.

However, this mini-series does perform at least one vital public service.

It confirms what we all suspected when we first saw The Blair Witch Project – that Ms. Donahue is a horrible actress who should confine her `acting' to the Steak'N'Shake commercials that she is currently appearing in.
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