Review of Hurt

Hurt (2003)
Loved the movie. It brought back a lot of painful memories.
7 September 2004
Watching TV one night I found myself watching a film which brought back situations I have found myself hiding from since I was a teenager (being suicidal since around the age of twelve and wishing my alcoholic mess of a mother dead around 15 and 16 yrs old). It helps me accept my own emotions and face my past when I see videos that are as honest as "hurt".

Through my own experience and what I know of abusive homes, loneliness, hopelessness, grieving and friendship, the themes of this film where portrayed very accurately. I loved it I have caught the ending a few times but only seen the whole thing once. I have finally remembered to look it up and am sorry to hear I missed the last showing on movie central. I just wish it were available to buy.

I think the most powerful thing I have ever read was the dedication that came up at the end. I found myself sitting in silence, crying over all the pain I have felt from my past, thanking whatever it was that kept me alive and got me through, grieving for all the people that have not survived and wondering what I can do for those still suffering. Thank you all that helped create this film.
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