12 September 2003
"Looking Through Lillian" tells of a young single woman who is mistress to a middle aged man into kinky sex. A narrow slice-of-life indie and a commendable first outing for the Torem/Henham team, though it suffers from the usual newbie claustrophobia, low budget leanness, mediocre jukebox score, etc., "Looking..." starts off with promise which is unfulfilled in the playout. Henham (Lillian) makes a solid centerpiece showing some range and nailing her nuances as her character grapples with the issue of keeping the easy money which is fueling her low self esteem or ditching them for the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, the film fizzles with a much-ado-about-nothing sort of denouement which will likely leave the viewer feeling like they just ate Chinese. An okay chick flick for females into serious drama with shades of kinkiness. (C+)
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