Review of Hard Cash

Hard Cash (2002)
Predrag messed up . . . Muppet!
25 June 2003
I recently saw this dvd in a bargain bin for £4 and out of curiosity bought it. I have been a fan of Christian Slaters movies for some time and it was so sad to see a brilliant actor reduced by such god awful directing.

Hard Cash is a good movie screaming to get out of a s***e one, scenes involving Kilmer and Slater are actually pretty good, they bounce of each other well and Val Kilmer does camp,pompous villain far better than he does batman !!!. Verne Troyer has a great character who should have been used more (However 'Attila' is not funny, clever or ironic as his character name) and the actual idea of the film isn't that bad.

The problem is the editing/directing. Predrag whatzizface turns this movie into a joke, over use of the dodgy car chase scenes and the constant flicking to irrelevant shots just annoy the viewer.

I didn't hate this movie, but I just feel that a monkey could have edited it better!! With the cast available and the technology these days I cant believe how visually poor this film is.

Pull it back, give all the film to a proper director and let him go to work. There is a watchable and enjoyable movie hidden in this mess. Maybe they should have spent a little more 'hard cash' on the crew!!

I can only imagine what was left on the cutting room floor.

Thats my 2 cents
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