Dreamcatcher (2003)
Total Horror=Paying $3.79 to Watch Dreamcatcher
9 October 2003
*Spoilers* Good God Almighty this movie sucked!! This movie EASILY makes it to my list of the 10 s****iest films of all time, no doubt.

Now that you know my opinion Ill explain why I feel this way.

-0 character development-Idiotic characters-Even more idiotic monster (giant gastro-intestinal leech, scary stuff)-Toilet humor-Bad special effects-Morgan Freeman's eyebrows-Prophetic retarded kid-Altruistic pre-adolescent boys-Stupid terms of endearment("Dudis" ring any bells?)-Terrible transition between possessed main character and non-possessed main character-Alien with a British accent-WTF is that?-The ESP between the friends was pointless as well as ridiculous-The fact that the retarded kid was an alien was waaaaay too predictable and stupid.-Several respectable actors e.g. Morgan Freeman, destroyed their credibility with this trash. Ill never forgive them, EVER!!! -I could go on but unfortunately this site's database is much too small to hold such a mass of information.

I think I've sufficiently expressed my opinion, but to solidify my feelings Ill sum it up in four short characters: 0/10
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