A thoroughly entertaining rock and roll movie.
24 February 2002
This is yet another terrific rock and roll movie from Kurt Voss ("Border Radio," "Sugar Town") that's both a detailed look at the Portland music scene and a funny, pointed ensemble character study. Voss's characteristic efficiency when it comes to storytelling enables him to juggle several storylines and characters without any of them feeling underdeveloped or ignored---in fact, the subplots all complement each other beautifully, building to create a hilarious ensemble piece reminiscent of some of Altman's best work but with an underground sensibility all its own. The songs and score are fantastic, as are the performances by a cast made up largely of musicians---the movie positively oozes authenticity on every level, from the production design to the dialogue, and it couldn't be more entertaining. With its distinct, edgy style and intelligence, this is what independent filmmaking is all about.
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