The Dead Zone (2002–2007)
Great Potential
20 June 2002
I know when the hair on the back of my neck starts to rise, that I am in for a great time. It happened at least twice during the pilot.

Hall is a great choice for Johnny, and the directors are doing a great job with the psychic experiences. Lots of dread and anticipation with satisfying payoffs, all done in a stylish way.

While plot details are not the same as the book or the movie, that made sense to me. This is not a remake, and the series needed to establish its own characters and feel. While King fans may grouse, making the changes early lead to one round of criticism, with the opportunity to let characters develop in an organic and ongoing way demanded by television series.

The basic concept of the book, guy with skull trauma wakes up from coma with the ability to read future and past traumatic events by touching people is still chilling, and very well executed here.

Off to a great start. Hopes it lives up to the promise.

Hairy Buddha
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