This is a SPLENDID romantic comedy... WITH CHAINSAWS
12 April 2001
Funny, sweet, sick and repugnant. But -- above all -- ADORABLE. This summarizes the charm that IS Red and Violet (if that is even possible). In this movie they meet for the first time and it is truly love at first sight. A cinematic love that will endure. Trust me, you will LAUGH LOUDLY at their bizarre antics. It was a smashing success at the first TromaDance Film Festival and it is available on the smashingly good anthology volume "Soiled Shorts". This film will NOT disappoint. And on "Soiled Shorts" you get four MORE quality films. Such a deal. If you like the uproarious obscenity that is the Toxic Avenger then you'll LOVE this gunk. NOTE: not for the faint of heart and/or weak of stomach... a known fact is that during its premiere screening the projectionist VOMITED. You heard me: VOMITED.
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