Review of Trapped

Trapped (2001 TV Movie)
Nifty Nailbiter
19 June 2002
Hey. This ain't Hamlet so we can overlook some of its shortcomings. So they haven't yet invented a TV camera that works without a cable and has batteries that run forever. So people couldn't possibly survive with flames like that so close (the heat and the lack of oxygen would have done them in long before the movie spools itself out.) And of course we all just know a)they're going to get out (well, most of them) and b)how they'll get out. Then theres the cast of characters who are just a little too contrived. So as serious drama it rates a zilch. But as a nifty little nailbiter for an otherwise unnotable night, it's not bad. The effects are well done. The editing and production are excellent. And theres lots of scary suspense.
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