Lawless Heart (2001)
Lawless Editing
9 October 2002
Saw this film last night... One of those films that you watch and think "that could have brilliant, had the production team done a better job" - the editing and bad sound made it hard to fathom out what was going on at times - Its a very intricate plot and these factors didnt help.

Having said that, it IS a beautiful, gentle (but modern in terms of its take on life) film. Its shot kind of "Sliding Doors" stylee... same story 3 times from a different characters perspective (which was a mistake, too ambitious - i got lost in places) they all meet at a wake in a small seaside town, friends, lovers and... florists...

What results is a fairly tight-knit community where obviously characters lives overlap in terms of lovers and situations etc....

The Scenenry is breathtaking (if you like desolate seaside like me) and used really well to give the film space and mood

Like most of the better modern brit-films is has a gay plot (Younger guy left widowed by his older partner) - but it is well played and treated with sensitivity and in an uncliched, spirited fashion. For all the tired "Queer as Folk" stereotypes we are force fed, its refreshing to see gay people portrayed in everyday, yet unique and challenging ways. More of the different please!

To sum up, "Lawless Heart" wont change your life, but if you decide to watch it, stick with it and lose yourself in its introspective beauty.
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