A good effort, but just too slow
29 January 2003
This is a German movie about a young girl living meeting a Japanese student and falling in love. They live in a big city (I'd guess Berlin) and ride around on their bikes drinking beer and booze. That's actually all there is to the plot, although not all there is to the movie. This movie is unfortunately a little too thin. On one hand, it features good actors and tells the story almost without dialogue - an art few directors practice these days. The Japanese student sucks at German, so the two lovebirds don't really speak much to each other, but still they communicate, and that's what's so interesting to see. But then on the other hand, the movie's very slow. Almost every scene is drawn out, and I don't really understand why. In my opinion, it just stretches the movie out too much. Since there is very little dialogue and no story, all these long scenes often get tedious and boring. This is an honorable attempt to make a really good movie, but I'm not impressed.
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