20 July 2003
Feminism and misogyny at the same time! I'm all for a movie that depicts womyn standing on their own two feet and kicking patriarchal butt. But, and this is a big but, the movie managed to be exploitive of womyn at the same time. For some strange reason Serena always wore tight boob-raising body armour, there were constant scenes of naked and half naked womyn, the female leads were all unbelievably beautiful and the men (with the exception of the fairly attractive Nortin) were all rather ugly or... out of shape.

I honestly don't know if I love this film or hate it with a passion. It has Thelma and Louise appeal, but also appeals to male sexual fantasies by making womyn sex objects. But the idea that it spaws Satan or other such extremes is a little gynophobic and paranoid. If you feel this way then I suggest you stay clear of "8 Mile" and Britney's "Crossorads". The only movies worse than those that spark thoughtful debate, ie A & G, are those that are mind numbing and appeal solely to...... easily controlled minds.
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