Who wrote this thing?
10 February 2001
Wow. What can I say about this movie? Well, it's one of the worse attempts to produce a movie. The title should be "How your movie should NOT be like".

What went wrong? Well, first, the acting is bad. The major actors are NOT professional actors, and they look at the camera too much. I think Fausto Silva looked so much to the camera that the director told him to speak to the camera if that happened again (and he actually talk to the audience a lot of times in this movie)...

Sergio Mallandro's character is completly useless.

The music, song by Fausto Silva e Sergio Mallandro, is irritating. It never stops...

The dialog is so stupid you'll think a monkey could write something better...

And the scenes... Well, my favorites are: Faustao going to a Disco (yes it's 1991) wearing a tuxedo, the pepper macarroni (what was that?!), the egg drinking scene (why did they do that?), and the final scene...

Well, enough said. After you see this piece of junk you'll never watch movies the same way again...
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