The Zombie Chronicles (2001 Video)
Hold the camera and run!
24 December 2003
Amateur, no budget films can be surprisingly good ... this however is not one of them.

Ah, another Brad Sykes atrocity. The acting is hideous, except for Emmy Smith who shows some promise. The camera "direction" needs serious reworking. And no more "hold the camera and run" gimmicks either; it just doesn't work. The special effects are unimaginative, there's a problem when the effect can be identified in real time. If you're going to rip off an ear, please don't let us see the actor's real ear beneath the blood. The scenery is bland and boring (same as Mr. Sykes other ventures), and the music is a cross between cheap motel porn and really bad guitar driven metal (see the scenery comment).

Did I mention the lack of any real plot, or character development? Apparently, the scriptwriter didn't.

Whoever is funding this guy ... please stop. I've seen some of his other "home movies" (which I will not plug) and they are just as bad. Normally, a "director" will grow and learn from his previous efforts ... not this guy. It's one thing to be an amateur filmmaker, but anyone can be a hack.

Definitely not even a popcorn film ... of course, chewing on popcorn kernels would be less painful than this effort.

Award: The worst ever military push-ups in a film.
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