The Day the World Ended (2001 TV Movie)
This movie is awful with the only plus being Nastassja Kinski.
3 August 2003
It seems like light years since "Tess." Nastassja Kinski is a very skilled actress whose resolve must have been sorely tested in the making of this movie. Although this movie is not likely to be seen by many viewers, Nastassja plays it straight with a high degree of professionalism, never overacting or becoming hysterical in her role. It seems that no matter the role, her acting skills always seem to be very economical with no excess or no under acting. In other words, she tailors her performance to the demands of the role, whether large or small. Not even a thoughtful Nastassja performance can salvage this turkey of a movie. The only other sterling performance is put on by the new Volkswagen bug. Nastassja and the VW are the only ones that emerge from this movie unscathed. Nastassja has put on a clinic on how to act in a lousy movie and that is the only redeeming quality of this movie.
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