Zebra Lounge (2001 TV Movie)
Kristy Swanson wasted
17 September 2002
I watched this film because, well, I lust for Kristy. Ever since her cameo debut in Ferris Bueller, I've thought she combined sexiness and vulnerability in cool ways. Later roles, such as in The Phantom, added depth to her acting. I even liked her in the generally unpopular Buffy movie.

Well, Kristy is still hot, and sleazes her way through this trash effectively.

Neither the rest of the cast or the plot deserves her. The movie is worse than trash- its disgustingly amoral, violent, and sickeningly conventionally moral all at once. What a muddle. I am pretty open minded, but this stupid movie made me want to give my soul a shower.

Brandy Ledford is so used up, she looks better with her clothes on. In fact, she looks sexy while dressed. Her sex scenes were sad. Steven Baldwin looked stoned, half asleep and like he wasn't aware which movie he was in- think later Mickey Rourke. The actor cast as Brandy's hubby was wooden and unbelievable. I couldn't see why Brandy's character married him in the first place. Or why Kristy found him attractive.

I voted 3 for this , but now wonder why- 1 for Kristy, but what other redeeming features does it have? None. Rent Sliver instead.
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