I'll be darned...
31 October 2001
Two of the most dilligent people I ever hired were scientologists so I decided to check out the movie when someone handed me a free ticket for it on the sidewalk and I was glad I did. They never talked much about their beleifs so when I saw the movie I learned a lot. I thought it was straightforward and didn't dodge any issues and got the points about the religion across very well. I don't see what the problem is. I don't get the nastiness of some other things written here. Whats the point of being mean to someone about their religion? When your raised in religion A, then religion Z will seem strange to you. It's the same if reversed. That's what's wrong with the Taleban nut cases, they can't stop hating and leave other people to live and enjoy life.

Back to the movie, it simply seemed to follow an outline of what you'd ask if you had heard a little about scientology, like the answers fo an FAQ, It's What you always wanted to know about scientology but didn't have anybody to ask. The color and quality was good and the sound was terrific, better than I thought I'd hear in a small set-up. No reason not to go see it if someone hands you a ticket, its free and you learn something you didn't know about a religion you weren't raised in.
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