A well-written, well directed piece of art
10 March 2003
I didn't watch this movie until March 2003 (about a week ago) as I watched the trailers briefly and thought "oh, ANOTHER movie about the 1940's... how fun, NOT."

However, I can admit when I'm wrong an I AM WRONG! "A Beautiful Mind" is a well written, well directed piece of art. Ron Howard did a beautiful job directing; he made every shot count.

The acting was flawless. Jennifer Connely is one of my favourite actresses and Russell Crowe has just made it into my favourite actor list, he is so convincing in the role.

Now, I know that some people are nit-picking about the fact that Nash was a little different to the character in the movie, but for heaven's sake, people: ITS ONLY A MOVIE. Look at it from that point of view and not a "Big Brother view of John Forbes Nash" and you'll see it as a well crafted feature.

I've seen all too many movies where mental illness is put in a very camp way and over exaggureated (Think: Girl, Interrupted) but the way John's Schizophrenia was portrayed in this movie was realistic and heartfelt. You can tell that Crowe became Nash for the time of the shoot.

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