best coming-of-age flick since 'Risky Business'
11 April 2004
[three caveats before i begin: (1) i'm a guy whose background is eerily similar to Emile Hirsch's, before Elisha Cuthbert enters the scene. (2) beyond the romance and ultimate message of the film, women may be offended by the sexuality and preponderance of porn culture. (3) some suspension of disbelief, as with virtually any Hollywood movie, is required to thoroughly appreciate this film.]

this film is superb. i haven't seen a male coming-of-age flick of this quality since Tom Cruise's 'Risky Business'. that's saying a lot.

the box office figures and reviews so far probably don't match this opinion, but for those of you, particular young heterosexual male viewers, who can relate to the overachieving, A+, unpopular, prestigious college-bound kid, who secretly hopes to experience wild and crazy things, but never actually doing so...this flick will strike a chord.

verdict: 10/10.
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