I never expected this!!!
6 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I would start off by telling you that if you read my review, it might spoil the movie but then I would have to mention that there is nothing to spoil because it's already rotten but I have to tell you that a spoiler is included or the IMDB may ban my account or something and for this movie, it's not worth the risk. I originally went to see the movie because I was thinking "Ohhh! Naked women! Cool!" even though a fellow filmmaker told me not to because it was bad. Not only was he right, I think I can honestly say that this movie has changed my perspective on nudity. Until I saw this movie, I thought that nudity could always be cool but this movie isn't interesting even though it shows naked women. How can naked women not make the movie at least partially interesting in places? See this movie and find out! I still can't understand how naked women weren't interesting in this movie and I'm an artist! Their POV was interesting enough to keep my heart rate at a steady 40 while I slowly slipped into a coma but that's about it. I still can't get over this movie, naked women - not interesting! How?! This movie is worse than Party At Kitty and Stud's, that soft core porno that Sly Stallone was in but not by much. The thing I kept saying to myself while watching this movie was "You're strippers in a cheap scummy strip parlor and you don't know why you are treated like crap? You don't understand that stripping is an industry where blonde females are in the highest demand across all markets and yet you brunettes fight for equal rights with crappy arguments in the strip club? I understand that you want to be treated well but ... could you have made a worse movie to show your point of view? I may agree with the POV of the movie but the horrible productions values, cinematography shooting into a mirror at herself, terrible audio and even worse lighting, gee whiz! This is the kind of movie that reminds people of why garbage like Star Wars: Episode 1 Phantom Menace has a following. At least Lucas knows how to make a movie unlike the filmmaker of Live Nude Girls Unite. The movie is layed out like this. Introduce the strip club and the strippers. Show the facility. Introduce what they don't like about the facility. Describe the hopeless situation. Watch as the strippers try to take a stand. Watch as the strippers win a small battle and get a little of what they have been griping about the entire movie. See how happy the strippers are now that they are the envy of strippers everywhere. This movie may have been interesting if it was only about 20 minutes long but it was about an hour longer which makes the whole thing drag out to the point that you just don't care about what is going on. Any movie that shows naked women that are not interesting for any reason should certainly not be released. It is garbage like this that makes me really worried about what could happen if the strikes go through. These kind of filmmakers would probably go on to do worse junk and this one was bad enough! If it were possible to die of boredom, this movie would have so many lawsuits on the filmmaker and everyone else that was involved that everyone would be put away for life+. Yes, people have the right to free speech in this country but to make a movie that is longer than an hour long and this terrible of expression is a horrible waste of such a great amendment. Don't see this movie! I think I would rather eat a package of cotton with no drink than see even the first 10 minutes again and that was the part with the naked women in it!
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