Survivor Series (1988 TV Special)
A step down from the previous year.
21 July 2001
For its second year, Survivor Series once again took place in Richfield, OH, although the magic of the previous year's show was not there. Perhaps because Survivor Series '88 did not have any significant matches other than the tag team elimination bout. Survivor Series '87 had a women's bout, and was also an experiment. This show was also ravaged by injuries beforehand (legitimate ones), forcing several un-Pay Per View calibur wrestlers into some big matches. The only real good wrestling match on the card turned out to be the Tag Team Match. It was incredible. Superb moves, plus legends like the Rougeaus, Bret Hart, Arn Anderson, and the Dynamite Kid in the ring with each other. 20 guys, and they almost surrounded the ring on all four sides. All in all, for wrestling historians, check it out, but nothing special for passive fans.
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