The Mangler 2 (2002 Video)
Very Bad....
25 October 2003
This is a story about a teenager who deliberately downloads a virus to take down the new school computer security system. What she doesn't realize is that it is out to kill everyone.

Where this film goes wrong is in everything that has to do with the physical universe. A combo of wires and mechanical doors moving by themselves, cold water pipes suddenly becoming scalding hot (for those who don't know, cold water pipes, especially sprinkler pipes, are physically isolated from hot water pipes in every building), and a computer turning a human into a cyborg.

Most of these are forgivable in movies that involve possession or paranormal. But these have no place in a computer/virus horror movie. The only believable scenario involves an electric fence. Though, why anyone would install an electric fence around a school is beyond me.....

All of the characters make the usual horror movie mistakes: splitting up, going back for more, not pulling the plug, etc. The acting is okay, considering the script...

Only watch this if you are totally bored out of your mind. This would be a perfect film for Mystery Science Theatre 3000 to lampoon....

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