8 August 2004
This has been playing on HBO, STARZ, and or ENCORE for a couple of months. Given all the hype I tried to watch it 4 or 5 times starting from different parts of the movie thinking there had to be a "good" part. I didn't find any. It plays like a bad sit-com which it turned into and lasted 3 weeks before being cancelled. There isn't a single thing you an point to and say it's bad it's just dull and not funny. I tried to get my 15 year old daughter to watch it thinking that maybe I just don't get it but she turned it off about half way through. I told it her maybe she will like the end better but she said she didn't want to waste her time. I see the star/producers latest movie bombed and though I haven't seen it I would be willing to bet it's the same quality as this one.
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