Transparent plot, but entertaining at times
15 January 2003
Hyakunen no monogatari is about Japanese women throughout the 20th century. Women in three generations played by the same actress, Matsushima Nanako. The series is divided into three chapters. The first features Matsushima who is forced into a marriage. The images are static and quite dull, the drama is predictable. It is like seeing "Gone with the wind" in slow motion. The second continues in the same style, except a lot more drama. Takeshi Kitano is casted as an Japanese soldier after the 2. world war, and he makes this chapter much more interesting than the first. The period depicted is interesting as well, but the main love story between Matsushima and a American/Japanese soldier isn't all that exciting. The third is a road movie/ romantic comedy taking place in America as well as Japan, and it is quite amusing. This time the love story between the two main characters is interesting as well. Mainly because of the brilliant acting by the two. Overall, this drama is worth watching if you're a fan of Matsushima Nanako. If you're a fan of Kitano Takeshi, then you'll have to be a diehard fan since it isn't his usual style of movie. If you're in to J-Drama in general, then it's worth watching.
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