Didn't This Offend Any Southerners?
9 February 2003
I'm a yankee and I was offended for them. Not everyone from the south lives in a trailer or on a plantation. Nor do they fry every form of food. This contrived love story is saccherine-light fare. You only had to have watched the commercials to know all of the plot and most of the storyline of SHA. We all took bets on who Reese Witherspoon's character would end up with. We all bet the same and we were all right, it was that obvious! SHA is a slightly entertaining love story about a white trash southerner who escaped her past. Her past being a husband she committed to at too young of an age. This left her feeling trapped, so she did what any woman would do. She ran away to New York and become a world famous fashion designer. When the mayor of NY's son wants her hand in marriage she must return to her whitetrash past to get her divorce papers signed. You can guess where it goes from there. Normally I like Reese Witherspoon a lot. She was awesome in Election as well as Pleasentville. J-Lo could have starred in this role. Just replace whitetrash husband with barrio spouse and there you go! I hope in the future Ms. Witherspoon picks the better roles she so obviously has the talent for.
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