Possession (2002)
23 August 2002
I had not, and still have not at this point, read the book when I went to see Possession only a few days ago...in fact I didn't even know that there was a book. Likely I will read it later...the movie however, was one of the most amazing I have seen in a long long time.

Truly if someone asked me what Possession was about, I would have to say...life...even though this is most definitely a love story...it tells that story by showing how life can throw challenges at you. Everything is not always happily ever after in the way you expect. The ending of this film is absolutely perfect, and it leaves you thinking about it long after you leave the theatre. But it is also unexplainable; you have to see the picture for it to make any sense.

I mentioned to a friend of mine that this was a chick flick...but only in the respect that it is a very romantic movie (it definitely deserves it's billing as 'most romantic film of the year'), but it stands out on it's own. It is a visual tribute to the extreme power of the written word, and how that power doesn't always fade through the generations.

I can't think of a single casting in the film that wasn't spectacularly played...everything flowed together seamlessly. Normally I am leery of movies that blend more than one storyline, but, though this film takes place in two different time periods, it is really all one story and the two time periods blend in and out of each other so easily that it is not in the least bit confusing.

Definitely a top ten movie, 10/10.
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