Review of Intimacy

Intimacy (2001)
A worrying near-great un-romance
8 August 2002
Can't figure out the disparities in this brutal piece of miserabilist art. Two distinguished actors giving brave performances every interview they give hereafter will ask them to account for-- a remarkable score of well-used rock art-songs-- a script that shifts from mumbled throwaways to eloquence without stumble. Still, even if the numbing grey-greenness of the images is intended, the dinginess goes past aesthetic overstatement-- cannot imagine Chereau intended to induce headaches, though that is the effect. Timothy Spall playing a cuckold is akin to Dennis Hopper as a psycho-- a good actor in a role he should not have taken. But the children are wonders of natural charm-- what is it about French film-makers that equips them to make juveniles seem casually superhuman? In a film that mixes-up visual ugliness and spiritual torment, the three radiant boys are especially cherishable.
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