Blonde (2001)
How could they perpertrate this on the people?
6 February 2002
Can anyone just take someones life nowdays and turn it into a complete tale of falsehoods and farce? Just because that persons happens to be dead is no excuse. This film about the life of Norma Jean Baker/Marilyn Monroe is a complete and utter travesty, barely any characters in this film are real. Some are based on true characters such as the photographer who discovered Marilyn however the names have been changed, what is the point of making a biography if you change the names, if one cannot obtain consent from those involved then those involved obviously thought the film to be untrue to the person and didnt wish to be a part of it. Poorly scripted with a plot that jumps all over the place with no real concern as to dates and the like. The only saving grace is that Poppy Montgomery has a few moments, but not nearly enough to save this utter failure of a film. For those of you who know something about the life of Marilyn Monroe steer clear for there are healthier ways to work up your anger and for those not so informed on the actress then please read a book for you will be assured at least a few facts, unfortunatly there are none contained here. How many worthless telemovies will they make to pick at the final remaining dignities of this woman?
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