Absolutely Wretched!!
5 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This installment just didn't do it for me. The wonderfully rich, well-researched story line has gone to h3ll in a hand basket. The acting quality is not up to par and I find the whole production to be quite disappointing as a whole.

It rips off Hellraiser with the "puzzle box" and a plethora of other movies. I really found the Djinn's constant metamorphosis to be unsettling and just wrong. He looks different in each and every installment. That's messed up.

And the fake accents throughout this production are BAD; obviously fake, and they don't seem to care. Sex is used as a sorry substitution for a good story (something used as a distraction device by lesser directors and those lacking in talent and creativity) and the effects were better in "Howard the Duck," than in this.

The invocation of the Archangel Michael renders this one a rip off of the movie Michael, as well, which done around the same time, and the flaming sword is really idiotic. I was very disappointed in this installment. I enjoyed the first, but as usual, the third movie in the set just reeks of bad acting, horrid direction and a total change in cast members. Apparently they thought that by keeping the Djinn mainly in his Djinn form, we would not notice the disappearance of Michael Divoff. You can sure tell that Wes Craven did not produce more than the first of these awful movies. That, and the obvious mainstream socioreligious connotations just ruined this whole series for me.

Actually, Howard the Duck was a much better movie!

It gets a 1.0/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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