Not to be missed!
26 September 2002
It's isn't that the information here is a huge surprise, it's that it validates what hundreds, then thousands, then millions began to believe. Especially as more and more people began to question the carte blanche they had been giving politicians to make any statement and it would be believed. How anyone can watch this and not believe most of it is beyond me. Not a conspiracy (as one commenter said)?! Most people have known it was a conspiracy for years. If this were done with actors, like an Oliver Stone film, you might question a lot of it. But the footage, the interviews of just 'people on the street' who were there are so believable as to be terribly frightening. I lived only one state away when this happened. Many people from my city were in Dallas. To this day I wouldn't mention their names or what some of them said they observed. I'm sure they're all gone now as they were much older than me. But who knows what they told their families. This is a well made documentary and should be required viewing in schools.
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