Reign of Fire (2002)
Total Failure
13 November 2002
"Reign of Fire" is a less than worthless unfinished piece of crap, not even remotely worth seeing. The story is as thin as they come - penned by an eight-year-old perhaps - with little point or message. As a fantasy, it has the depth and quality of a junior high school droop out's first attempt at crafting a D&D scenario - so don't even give me that "loosen up, it's just for fun" crap. "Fun" would be something 1/10th as good as "The Princess Bride," this was 1/10th as good as a below average "A-Team" episode without Mr.T. While drizzled hear and there with some low-grade bits of meaningless action, most of the movie consists of people talking to each other in front of poorly lit sets. What action there is mostly consists of quick flashes of cheap digital violence, in which meaningless characters disappear from the story in no particular order. The viewer is repeatedly asked to excuse the most idiotic plot points imaginable, with little if any payoff for doing so. Numerous unfinished details dangle helplessly from the story's unfinished edges, included I suppose only because the effects just looked "too cool, dude" to toss the scenes completely. It is clear that the creators of this mess had better intentions than what they ended up with, but there is no debating the fact that much of what we see on screen (and wait through, bored in our seats) is bare-bones filler intended only to fill out the minimal length of a feature. "Reign of Fire" is totally disappointing, stay away.
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