Reign of Fire (2002)
Lots of soot -- SPOILERS
12 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is mostly a piece of apocalyptic fluff with an interesting premise. About the most enjoyable thing in it is Christian Bale's facial bone structure. Matthew McConaughey's appearances on-screen elicited a laugh nearly every time. He was trying to play nuts, but the bulging eyes and shaved head seemed terribly contrived. I'm thankful for the lack of sappy romance. I thought the plot got tied up a bit too neatly (boy who wakes up Poppa Dragon--thus causing the Apocalypse--is the One who kills aforesaid Big Daddy? And the Old Coot is the SINGLE key to freedom? Gimme a break. Lay it on a bit thick, won't ya...) Visually, some pretty nice stuff. I liked the touches of post-apocalyptic culture, derivative from what we know today. Wished they'd thought of bringing haircuts along, too. Lots of mops and soot. Oh, and huge plot holes. Giant ones. And meaningless deaths. Did I mention the lack of personal hygiene? :) It's a fun movie, but that's about it.
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