This Pie Is As Sweet As The First!
25 June 2002
American pie 2 was a film i had been longing to see. I did get to see it in theatres, and i have bought it on DVD. That can only tell you that i thouroughly enjoyed this movie. I owe both part 1 and 2 on DVD. Many say that American Pie 2 basically had no plot, but did the first?? The whole group is back in this funny sequel. The 5 boys go to a camp at a lake and rent a property there to party in, the ENTIRE cast of the original is back, this time the boys make a pact to make this the best summer they would have together...That's a plot..I guess..Sorta!

Is it as good as the first? Maybe not. Yet the films are very similar, leaving Jim in his typical embaressing situations, you've got to love it.Of course there is the gross humour, this film isnt exactly titled for kids,just like the original. Yet that i was a little disappointed about was the fact that the cast was a little out of touch in this film.I mean this time the film is basically set upon the boys, the rest of the cast is "here and there", but their screen time is nowhere near as much as the first.

Some say the script sux. I beg to differ, remember this is a teen movie,it brain-feeds TEENS, it only works for TEENS.The script wasn't a masterpiece,yet it did match with a teens thoughts, i wasnt expecting anything more of the script. There are many funny moments, like Jim getting glued to himself,the embaresing Bandcamp situation, OZ & his Girlfriend having phone sex and being interrupted by Stifler, the lesbian situation, jims dad OF COURSE, the introduction and much more. I must add that Stifler is still really funny, i did not like his little brother one bit. I really reccomend the DVD, it has so many extra features, the OUT-TAKES are hilarious.

ACTING: It was good, Jim really knows how to react with his situations. The whole cast did a good job, not flawless but still they were totally intact with their characters, they did a good job remembering who they were in part one, Alyson Halligon was GREAT.

ACTORS: Everyone is back, so thats gotta be good. I loved all the actors in this movie.The selection was good, though the characters are beginning to show age, they dont really look 19 anymore, so they better hurry with that trilogy.

SCRIPT: The script was adequate not much more i can say. No-one can expect a top of the pop script, the screen-writer did a good job keeping the characters in line, and giving them slight changes so they weren't so boring. Even though the plot was thin, some things were really funny in the film, the screenwriter should be applauded for that.Yet the cast (besides the boys) needed more screen time.

CINEMA: Quiet good, the scenes- especially by the lake were great to look at,there was nothing really special with the camera work or technique, but theydid get the right effect, it was enjoying to watch, the film looked really colourful, sometimes the characters glowed with their fake tans.

COMEDY: Very good, i would say that it was on par with its original. They are very similar in the comedic kind of sense. Many scenes delivered alot of laughs, thats a good sign. If you are in a bad mood, and really needto brighten your day with some sillyness, you would love this! Or the original.

MUSIC/SOUND: The Soundtrack to American Pie 2 was FANTASTIC. One of the best things about the movie. Part one had a great soundtrack, but this was BETTER,the music really sets the mood, The music is college/grunge great choice in music.

OVERALL: American Pie 2 is definantley worth the buy, especially on DVD. I think that those that think this or the original sucked are a little too "old" for this. If you are a teen, or are young at heart, the laughs will come flowing to you, if you are old and grumpy, expect to finish the film with a BIGGER frown. I loved this film, although the original maybe a touch better with plot,i still think they did a great job with this film,and i would LOVE the whole cast to come back one more time, I cant get enough of them.

****/ ***** (4 out of 5 stars)
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