Review of Trigun

Trigun (1998)
Life-Altering if you let it
8 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The best way to go into watching Trigun is with a good attitude. An attitude of "I'm going to watch this with an open mind and disregard the fact that it's 'just a cartoon.'" This is, of course, to all non-anime fans. Anime fans, if you haven't seen this yet, where have you been hiding yourself? This is one of the most talked about anime series of all time, and with very good cause. I don't like to attack other people's opinions, but someone on here said that this series had a shallow plot and I can't see how they got that out of this unless they were either watching it half asleep or missed some episodes. The series has depth and meaning and questions ethics (is it ok to kill at any time even in self defense or defense of others?) and takes on an emotional roller coaster, starting out funny and carefree, but becoming deadly serious by the mid-point(I'd say the major turning point is when Vash is hired to do a hit) The main character, Vash the Stampede is one of the most lovable protagonists in entertainment history. His violent mood swings from carefree wanderer to vicious fighter are juxtaposed beautifully. The callous Wolfwood who kills to protect the innocent(is he wrong?). The air-headed(or is she simply innocent?) Milly and strict, but loving Meryl. Even the villains who last only a single episode are memorable and dynamic and Legato Bluesummers is one of the best villains of all time. Not simply content to defeat Vash, he wants him to suffer terribly. **SPOILERS!!!!!**

This anime literally moved me to tears. When Wolfwood is dying in the chapel and calls out to God, not knowing if he can be forgiven. And when Vash holds a gun to Legato's head, either violating every moral fiber in his body and killing the wicked man(who surely would, to almost any of us, deserve the death) or letting him live but sacrificing Meryl and Milly. As Rem and Wolfwood's dueling views play in his mind ("Don't force your way of life on others!!," "No one has the right to take the life of another," etc.) it's so moving and genuinely heartbreaking, especially when he decides.

**END SPOILERS!!!*****

So ultimately, if you're an anime fan, you owe it to yourself to watch this. It has everything: action, intensity, emotion, philosophical questions and a BIG, BIG gun. If you're not an anime fan, give it an honest try, it might get you hooked. (SLIGHT SPOILER!!!)

And by the by, this is for everyone: Trigun refers to Vash's 3 guns. His pistol, his arm cannon, and the Angel Arm. Tri-gun. Three Guns. (END SLIGHT SPOILER!) (END REVIEW!)
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