Myst III: Exile (2001 Video Game)
Spend the evening in the great outdoors. It's the journey, not the goal.
3 January 2004
Game sound is very important to me. I wear headphones, so if a game has good stereo sound, I almost feel as if I am there. Good music can also add emotion to a game. This game has all that (as did the original Myst), wonderful raytraced graphics, and seamless Quicktime overlays. For me, it held up very well, even though it was released three years ago.

Effects. Not only are sound effects panned correctly when you turn around, they were recorded well in stereo, so sound great. Wind chimes, wind, ocean water, river water, creaking bridges, clanking machines. Effect sounds are imperceptibly looped. They get muffled when you enter a tunnel. I sometimes leave the windchimes running while I'm reading or doing paperwork; the quality is that good.

Music. Each level/section has its own theme music. Segments are played at random intervals, to add ambiance, without getting tedious. The Options menu has a "Music frequency" control, so you can control how often music is played. When not playing the game, load the M3Data subdirectory into your MP3 player, to hear all the pretty themes again (1.5 hours of mp3's!). Occasional choral accompaniment adds even more emotion. Music themes are often heavily panned -- I suppose to make you feel that the theme is all around, or following you around. And also to spook you. If you really like the music, there is a Jack Wall soundtrack CD, though it is currently out of print.

Graphics. Myst depends heavily on realistic graphics to increase immersion. While 3d graphic cards keep improving, raytracing still looks better. The large storage capacity of CD media allows the Myst games to avoid the downside of raytracing: rendering speed. Exile adds the ability to "turn around" at each location -- the render is for an entire sphere, rather than just the rectangle of the monitor screen. Quicktime movies allow playing back video recordings left by characters in the game. But they also permit animation of gadgets, machines, or even an alien squirrel. The transitions between the raytraced images and the animations are almost imperceptible.

Puzzles. I always have trouble with them, though I can usually solve one or two in an evening. Any harder though, and I would probably have gotten tired of seeing the same level for too long.

Media. The "anniversary" edition of the Myst trilogy is on a DVD-ROM (at about what I paid for Exile alone). This would remove the need to switch between the four CD's, or give up 2 GB of my hard drive space for the "full" install. If I had it to do over, I would have bought the DVD version. I think that all versions require a non-copyable key disk to be in the CD drive, or they refuse to start up. My CD version certainly did.

Crashing during the movies/animations? My marginal laptop CD drive (Samsung 308B) corrupted about two data files per CD, during the "full" install. After spending about 5 hours -- upgrading my video and sound card firmware and drivers, trying multiple versions of DirectX, updating Quicktime, and banging my head, I thought to diff files. It was the CD drive. Fortunately, the "full" install copies the CD's verbatim to the hard drive. To fix, I just copied the CD "Data" directories across the network, from a computer with a better CD drive.

Game trailer / advertisement. Search for "myst exile".

Summary. I love the Myst games, because I feel like I have spent the evening outside, in beautiful natural settings. Even if you don't like puzzles, this is still a place you should visit. Cheat your way through the game, if needed, just so you can see all the beautiful worlds. Go for the journey, not the goal.

For an even more immersive experience, try RealMyst. It is a remake of Myst, with interactive (ala Quake) graphics. Search for the Mac demo, and for the PC demo. (Many sites have bad links to the PC demo, so keep looking.)

Jan '05 update: Official site ( is gone. Use a web search to find trailer:
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